
Welcome to the DoingOurBit blog. Here you’ll find thoughts and insight from our partners and providers. Whether you’re looking for some motivation to get started, encouragement to keep going or just want to know more about what makes the people behind DoingOurBit tick, please read on…. If there’s a topic you’d like us to cover or if you’d like to write a brief blog for us about your own experience, please get in touch here.

team spirit

The power of insight to progress and deliver DoingOurBit

DoingOurBit was created as a result of passion, desire, collaboration and insight...

team spirit

Easing (back) into exercise

We know that moving for your health is the key to life and yet so many people are denied the health benefits of movement because they lack self-confidence ...

team spirit

Breaking down the barriers

Many of us have something in our lifestyles that we will say prevent us from being active ...

team spirit

Why you need to find your ‘why’

I completed my Masters in Public Health in the year the Covid pandemic hit worldwide and completed my PT qualification in the same year ...